Date |
Value |
01-02 17:57 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
11-23 01:23 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
10-17 21:33 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
10-17 21:33 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
08-22 01:47 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
08-22 01:47 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
07-18 03:58 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
07-18 03:58 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
06-20 03:36 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
06-20 03:36 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
05-15 22:46 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
04-17 23:02 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
03-13 23:42 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
03-13 23:42 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
02-20 23:18 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
02-20 23:18 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
01-25 23:50 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
01-25 23:50 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
12-13 00:09 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
11-15 01:08 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
11-15 01:08 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
10-24 19:03 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
10-24 19:03 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
10-09 21:37 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
10-09 21:37 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
09-20 16:59 |
This passive ability grants your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
09-20 16:59 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
08-17 15:38 |
This passive ability gives your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
07-19 16:09 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
07-19 16:09 |
This passive ability gives your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
06-22 16:55 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
06-22 16:55 |
This passive ability gives your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
05-16 15:14 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
05-16 15:14 |
This passive ability gives your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
03-22 15:06 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
03-22 15:06 |
This passive ability gives your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
02-23 12:55 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
02-23 12:55 |
This passive ability gives your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
12-12 16:59 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
12-12 16:59 |
This passive ability gives your critical melee attacks a 90% chance to deal 146200 damage to level 98 and lower NPC targets with 10.5% or less health. |
01-17 00:31 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells. |
07-23 16:47 |
Damages with poison and increases damage taken from poison spells.^0 |