Date |
Value |
02-13 01:42 |
Strikes an unnatural target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to inflict *$2%N, lowering your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to inflict *$3%N, dealing *$3#1 additional damage. {39}%Q |
10-17 21:33 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
10-17 21:33 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
08-22 01:47 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
08-22 01:47 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
07-18 03:58 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
07-18 03:58 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
06-20 03:36 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
06-20 03:36 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
05-15 22:46 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
05-15 22:46 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
04-17 23:02 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
04-17 23:02 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
03-13 23:42 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
03-13 23:42 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
02-20 23:18 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
02-20 23:18 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
01-25 23:50 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
01-25 23:50 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
12-13 00:09 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
12-13 00:09 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
11-15 01:08 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
11-15 01:08 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
10-24 19:03 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
10-24 19:03 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
10-09 21:37 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
10-09 21:37 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
09-20 16:59 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
09-20 16:59 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
08-17 15:38 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
08-17 15:38 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
07-19 16:09 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
07-19 16:09 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
06-22 16:55 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
06-22 16:55 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
05-16 15:14 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
05-16 15:14 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
03-22 15:06 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
03-22 15:06 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
02-23 12:55 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
02-23 12:55 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
12-12 16:59 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
12-12 16:59 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
11-16 16:46 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
11-16 16:46 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
10-20 20:03 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2% chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3% chance to eradicate them completely. |
10-20 20:03 |
This passive ability increases your chance of performing additional attacks in a melee round. Increases your chance of performing a double attack by 24%, your triple attack skill cap by 105 points, and performing a flurry of attacks (up to two additional attacks upon a successful primary slot triple attack) by 41%. |
02-12 18:30 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2 percent chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3 percent chance to eradicate them completely. |
02-12 18:30 |
This passive ability raises the maximum that your intelligence can be increased to with items and spells by 160 points as well as your base intelligence by 30 points. |
12-14 20:00 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2 percent chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3 percent chance to eradicate them completely. |
12-14 20:00 |
This passive ability raises the maximum that your intelligence can be increased to with items and spells by 160 points as well as your base intelligence by 30 points. |
11-19 20:49 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2 percent chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3 percent chance to eradicate them completely. |
11-19 20:49 |
This passive ability raises the maximum that your intelligence can be increased to with items and spells by 160 points as well as your base intelligence by 30 points. |
09-22 14:26 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2 percent chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3 percent chance to eradicate them completely. |
09-22 14:26 |
This passive ability raises the maximum that your intelligence can be increased to with items and spells by 160 points as well as your base intelligence by 30 points. |
01-17 00:31 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2 percent chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3 percent chance to eradicate them completely. |
07-23 16:47 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2 percent chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3 percent chance to eradicate them completely.^0 |
07-08 19:46 |
Strikes a summoned target with a burst of entropy, inflicting #1 damage. The entropy has a #2 percent chance to lower your target's resistances, and a #3 percent chance to eradicate them completely. |