Force of Prexus Rk. II Detail | History | Timer | Raw Data
Slot Description
1: Stun (4.00 sec/78)
aeduration 0 aerange 0
affect_inanimate_object 0 ai_valid_targets -1
allow_spellscribe 0 anim_variation -1
attrib1 21 attrib2 254
attrib3 254 attrib4 254
attrib5 254 attrib6 254
attrib7 254 attrib8 254
attrib9 254 attrib10 254
attrib11 254 attrib12 254
attrib13 254 attrib14 254
attrib15 254 attrib16 254
attrib17 254 attrib18 254
attrib19 254 attrib20 254
attrib21 254 attrib22 254
attrib23 254 attrib24 254
attrib25 254 attrib26 254
attrib27 254 attrib28 254
attrib29 254 attrib30 254
attrib31 254 attrib32 254
attrib33 254 attrib34 254
attrib35 254 attrib36 254
attrib37 254 attrib38 254
attrib39 254 attrib40 254
attrib41 254 autocast 0
base1 4000 base2 0
base7 0 base11 0
base12 0 base13 0
base14 0 base15 0
base17 0 base18 0
base19 0 base20 0
base21 0 base22 0
base23 0 base24 0
base25 0 base27 0
base28 0 base29 0
base2_10 base2_11
base2_12 base2_13
base2_14 base2_15
base2_18 base2_19
base2_2 base2_20
base2_21 base2_22
base2_24 base2_25
base2_26 base2_27
base2_28 base2_29
base2_3 base2_30
base2_31 base2_32
base2_33 base2_34
base2_35 base2_36
base2_37 base2_38
base2_39 base2_4
base2_40 base2_5
base2_6 base2_7
base2_8 base3 0
base4 0 base5 0
base6 0 base8 0
base9 0 base10 0
base16 0 base26 0
base2_1 4000 base2_16
base2_17 base2_23
base2_41 base2_9
base30 0 base31 0
base32 0 base33 0
base34 0 base35 0
base36 0 base37 0
base38 0 base39 0
base40 0 base41 0
base_effects_focus_offset 0 base_effects_focus_slope 1
berlevel 255 bonushate 0
brdlevel 255 bstlevel 255
bypass_regen_check 0 calc1 100
calc2 0 calc3 0
calc4 0 calc5 0
calc6 0 calc7 0
calc8 0 calc9 0
calc10 0 calc11 0
calc12 0 calc13 0
calc14 0 calc15 0
calc16 0 calc17 0
calc18 0 calc19 0
calc20 0 calc21 0
calc22 0 calc23 0
calc24 0 calc25 0
calc26 0 calc27 0
calc28 0 calc29 0
calc30 0 calc31 0
calc32 0 calc33 0
calc34 0 calc35 0
calc36 0 calc37 0
calc38 0 calc39 0
calc40 0 calc41 0
can_cast_in_combat 1 can_mgb 0
cancelonsit 0 cast_not_standing 0
castinganim 44 castingtime 1
castrestriction 0 clrlevel 255
cone_end_angle 0 cone_start_angle 0
deletable 0 descnum 11852
distance_mod_close_dist 0 distance_mod_close_mult 1
distance_mod_far_dist 0 distance_mod_far_mult 1
dotstackingexempt 0 drulevel 255
duration 0 duration_particle_effect 0
durationformula 0 durationfreeze 0
enclevel 255 endurance_cost 0
enduranceupkeep 0 environment 0
expansion buried extra
feedbackable -1 fizzleadj 0
fizzletime 1.5 focus1 -1
focus2 -1 focus3 -1
focus4 -1 focusitems
hateamount 2250 id 11852
is_beta_only 0 is_skill 0
lighttype 0 location Any
maglevel 255 manacost 100
max1 78 max2 0
max3 0 max4 0
max5 0 max6 0
max7 0 max8 0
max9 0 max10 0
max11 0 max12 0
max13 0 max14 0
max15 0 max16 0
max17 0 max18 0
max19 0 max20 0
max21 0 max22 0
max23 0 max24 0
max25 0 max26 0
max27 0 max28 0
max29 0 max30 0
max31 0 max32 0
max33 0 max34 0
max35 0 max36 0
max37 0 max38 0
max39 0 max40 0
max41 0 max_hits_type 0
max_resist 0 maxlevel 125
maxtargets 0 min_range 0
min_resist 0 mnklevel 255
name Force of Prexus Rk. II neclevel 255
no_buff_block 0 no_detrimental_spell_aggro 0
no_heal_damage_item_mod 0 no_npc_los 0
no_overwrite 0 no_partial_save 0
no_remove 0 no_resist 0
nodispell 0 not_focusable 0
not_shown_to_player 0 npc_category 7
npc_no_cast 0 npc_usefulness 50
numhits 0 only_during_fast_regen 0
outofcombat 1 override_crit_chance -1
pallevel 75 pcnpc_only_flag 0
persistdeath 0 primary_category 25
pushback 0 pushup 0
pvp_duration 0 pvp_duration_cap 0
pvpresistbase -2 pvpresistcalc 136
pvpresistcap -99 range 200
reagentcount1 1 reagentcount2 1
reagentcount3 1 reagentcount4 1
reagentid1 -1 reagentid2 -1
reagentid3 -1 reagentid4 -1
recasttime 12 reflectable -1
resist Magic resist_cap 0
resist_per_level 0 resistadj -55
rnglevel 255 roglevel 255
secondary_category 97 secondary_category2 0
shdlevel 255 shmlevel 255
shortbuff 0 show_dot_message
show_wear_off_message 0 skill Evocation
sneak_attack 0 songcap 0
spaindex 15 spell_class 4
spell_group_rank 5 spell_recourse_type 0
spell_subclass 7 spell_subgroup 0
spellanim 229 spellgroup 5021
spellicon 25 spelltype Detrimental
stacks_with_self 0 targetanim 13
targetrestriction 0 targettype Single
targname 0 timeofday Any
timer 5 traveltype 0
uninterruptable 0 unknown1 0
unknown2 0 uses_persistant_particles 0
viral_range 0 viral_targets 0
viral_timer 0 warlevel 255
wizlevel 255
Classes: PAL/75
Duration: Instant
Cast on you: You are stunned by a wave of saltwater.
Cast on other: Someone is stunned by a wave of saltwater.
Lucy is provided by Allakhazam.com