Apathy of Zek Detail | History | Stacking | Raw Data
Slot Description
1: Skill Damage Taken (40%)
2: Increase Corruption Counter by 8
Mana: 0 Casting Time: 0
Recast Time: 30 Fizzle Time: 1.5
Resist: Unresistable Location: Any
Time of Day: Any AE Range: 87
Reflectable: No Focusable: No
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Short Buff Box: No Viral: Yes
Target Type: PB AE Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 12/03 Link: Allakhazam's Entry
Classes: None
Duration: 1 min
Cast on you: You begin to believe you have no chance to win any battle.
Cast on other: Someone appears to be emotionally defeated.
Wears off: Your resolve returns.
Lucy is provided by Allakhazam.com