Amulet of the Haven Detail | History | Stacking | Raw Data
Slot Description
1: Increase Faction for (House of Fordel) by 100
2: Increase Faction for (Traders of the Haven) by 100
3: Increase Faction for (House of Midst) by 100
4: Increase Faction for (House of Stout) by 100
Mana: 0 Casting Time: 0
Recast Time: 0 Fizzle Time: 0
Range: 100 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Blockable: No
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: Yes
Target Type: Self Spell Type: Beneficial
Source: Live 04/23 Link: Allakhazam's Entry
Classes: None
Duration: Unlimited?
Items with spell: Amulet of the Haven
Game Description: Increases your faction with {45}239, {45}238, {45}240, and {45}241 by $1 points.
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