Geomantra XXIII Detail | History | Stacking | Raw Data
Slot Description
7: Mitigate Spell Damage by 30%, 15500 total
9: Decrease Mana by 46 per tick
10: Decrease Endurance by 46 per tick
Mana: 0 Casting Time: 0
Recast Time: 60 Fizzle Time: 0
Range: 100 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Fizzle Adj: 5
Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Short Buff Box: No Target Type: Self
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 09/29
Link: Allakhazam's Entry
Classes: None
Duration: 3.0 mins @L1 to 27.0 mins @L9
Items with spell: all charm //G21AV AC | all charm //G21AV intwis | 21 More Items
Cast on you: You focus nearby geomantic energy.
Cast on other: Someone focuses nearby geomantic energy.
Wears off: The focused geomantic energy fades.
Game Description: Surrounds you with geomantic energy, absorbing 30% of incoming spell damage up to a maximum of @7 damage. The guard is powered by your own mental and physical energy, draining @9 mana and @10 endurance every six seconds.
Lucy is provided by Allakhazam.com