Summon Spiked Ring Detail | History | Raw Data
Slot Description
1: Summon Item: Naki's Spiked Ring
Mana: 160 Skill: Conjuration
Casting Time: 6 Recast Time: 6
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 0
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Self
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 12/03
Link: Allakhazam's Entry
Classes: MAG/61
Duration: Instant
Items with spell: Spell: Summon Spiked Ring
Game Description: Focuses mana into the form of a spiked ring that allows you to cast many spells faster. This item works on spells up to level sixty-five.
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