Scent of Twilight Rk. II Detail | History | Stacking | Raw Data
Slot Description
1: Increase Incoming Spell Damage by 1%
2: Decrease Disease Resist by 63
3: Limit: Max Level(75) (lose 5% per level over cap)
4: Limit: Effect (Hitpoints allowed)
5: Limit: Resist (Disease allowed)
6: Decrease Poison Resist by 63
7: Limit: Spell Type (Detrimental only)
8: Limit: Combat Skills Not Allowed
9: Increase Disease Counter by 18
Mana: 250 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3.5 Recast Time: 6
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Disease
Resist Adjust: -200 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 89 Deletable: No
Dot Stacking: Yes Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: No
Interruptable: Yes Short Buff Box: No
Target Type: Single Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 09/29 Link: Allakhazam's Entry
Classes: NEC/72
Duration: 14.0 mins
Items with spell: Spell: Scent of Twilight Rk. II
Cast on you: The scent of twilight descends upon you.
Cast on other: Someone is marked by the scent of twilight.
Wears off: The scent of twilight fades.
Game Description: Sickens your target, lowering their resistance to poison and disease for 14.0 mins, while also increasing the damage they will take from disease-based spells for 14.0 mins.
Lucy is provided by Allakhazam.com