  Glorious Charm of Derived Diversity Detail | History | Raw
AkzID 99282 UNKNOWN44 -1
UNKNOWN47 -1 aagi 15
ac 73 accuracy 0
acha 15 adex 15
aint 30 artifact 0
asta 30 astr 30
attack 26 attuneable 1
aug1type 7 aug1unk2 0
aug1vis 1 aug2type 9
aug2unk2 0 aug2vis 1
aug3type 0 aug3unk2 0
aug3vis 1 aug4type 0
aug4unk2 0 aug4vis 1
aug5type 0 aug5unk2 0
aug5vis 1 aug6type 0
aug6unk2 0 aug6vis 1
augdistill 0 augres 0
augvalue 0 avoidance 0
awis 30 backstabdmg 0
bagsize 0 bagslots 0
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charges6 charges7
charges8 charmfile CHRMCulturalCharm
clairvoyance 30 classes 16540
collectible 0 color 4278190080
combateffects 0 convertible
convertibletype convertidnbr
cost 0 cr 44
crr 0 damage 0
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dmgplustype 0 dotshielding 0
dr 44 dsmitigation 0
effecttype effecttype0 0
effecttype1 0 effecttype2 0
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effecttype7 effecttype8
efflevel0 0 efflevel1 0
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efflevel4 0 efflevel5 0
efflevel6 efflevel7
efflevel8 elemdmgamt 0
elemdmgtype 0 endur 1645
endurregen 0 epicitem
evoid 0 evolvl 0
evomax 0 expendablearrow
factionamt1 0 factionamt2 0
factionamt3 0 factionamt4 0
factionmod1 0 factionmod2 0
factionmod3 0 factionmod4 0
filename focusid
fr 44 freestorage
fvnodrop2 guildfavor 260
haste 0 healamt 9
heirloom 0 heroic_agi 3
heroic_cha 0 heroic_dex 2
heroic_int 4 heroic_sta 9
heroic_str 4 heroic_wis 4
hp 1900 icon 2472
id 112310 idfile
itemclass 0 itemtype 11
ldonprice 0 ldonsold 0
ldontheme 0 level
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level2 0 level3 0
level4 0 level5 0
level6 level7
level8 light 0
lore Glorious Charm of Derived Diversity lorefile
loreitem 0 luck
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mana 1645 manaregen 2
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maxcharges maxluck
minluck mr 44
name Glorious Charm of Derived Diversity nodestroy
nodrop 1 noground
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nozone pendinglore
placeable 0 placeable2 0
pointtype potionbelt 0
potionbeltslots 0 power 0
powersourcecapacity pr 44
prestige 0 procrate0 0
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procrate7 procrate8
procratemod purity 0
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recasttype 0 reclevel 0
recskill 0 regen 3
reqlevel 0 scriptfileid
shielding 0 size 1
skillmodmax 0 skillmodtype -1
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spelldmg 9 spellid
spellid0 -1 spellid1 -1
spellid2 -1 spellid3 -1
spellid4 -1 spellid5 -1
spellid6 spellid7
spellid8 spellshield 0
ss0 ss1
ss2 ss3
ss4 ss5
ss6 ss7
ss8 stackable
stacksize 1 strikethrough 0
stunresist 0 summoned
time2 tradeskills 0
tribute 260 unknown01
unknown02 0 unknown03 0
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unknown07 0 unknown08 21114
unknown09 0 unknown10 0
unknown13 0 unknown16 0
unknown18 0 unknown19 0
unknown22 0 unknown26 0
unknown28 0 unknown33 0
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unknown37 0 unknown39 0
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unknown43 0 unknown45 -1
unknown46 -1 unknown48 -1
unknown49 0 unknown50 0
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unknown57 1065353216 unknown58 -1
unknown59 0 unknown60 -1
unknown61 unknown62
unknown63 unknown64
unknown65 unknown66
unknown67 unknown68
unknown69 updated 2021-07-28 19:12:03
weight 1 zeros
Lucy is provided by Allakhazam.com