  Luminescent Mercurium Thread Detail | History | Raw
Luminescent Mercurium Thread

This item can be used in tradeskills.
Recommended level of 100. Required level of 96.
WT: 1.4 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Original Submitter: Amio - Township Rebellion
Updated By: SwiftyMUSE
Display as level:
Item Type: Misc Stackable: 1000
Merchant Value: 125 pp 0 gp 5 sp 0 cp Tribute: 125
Source: Live IC Last Updated: 2020-06-13 05:18:16
IC Last Verified: 2021-07-28 23:08:47 Link: Allakhazam's Entry

Sold by Zone
Craftkeeper Irus Tindlefoot [Tradeskill Components] Shard's Landing
Mercator Acello [Poison Merchant] The Overthere [RoS]
Lucy is provided by Allakhazam.com